Love You ... Two little words that change everything. Whispered in my ear, shouted from the rooftops, engraved on a bracelet. This Love You bangle plays on shapes to attract your attention.
Love is both feminine and masculine. It is around this idea that the "LOVE YOU" collection was imagined; both for her and for him, so as not to be jealous. It is available in a thin ring, a wide ring and a flat ring.
10 mm wide open flat bangle in sterling silver, engraved and hollowed out with the inscription "Love You".
This piece of jewelry is one size, which can be adjusted.
For any advice or information on our jewelry, you can call us at +33 (0)5 61 22 61 74 or use the contact form.
All our jewels and accessories are packed in a white box and wrapped with a blue ribbon signed Marc Deloche.
During the payment process, we invite you to accompany your gift with a personalized message.
A hesitation? Think about the gift card.
Jewellery boxes
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